Actor Sidharth Malhotra, who is currently rumored to be dating actor Kiara Advani, once said he was criticized by a woman he dated. In an old interview, Sidharth said he was hit with flak when he chose to go to the gym rather than go out with his girlfriend. He also said he would do so when he was ready to announce “something officially”. (Also read | Sidharth Malhotra reveals he has Kiara’s number on speed dials months after admitting to having Kiara’s number on speed dials)
Sidharth and Kiara Advani have had a very long relationship. The duo are frequently spotted by paparazzi while out and about. Both actors acted together for the first time in Shashah. Sidharth and Kiara are reportedly planning to tie the knot in the coming months. The film was released on Prime Video in August 2021 and declared a blockbuster.
In a 2014 interview with Hindustan Times, Sidharth said: Finding my place in the industry is my number one priority, and I was once criticized by a woman I dated for choosing to go to the gym rather than hang out with me (laughs). Announce, I will. ”
Sidharth also added, “Of course. I think we all have the right to have a relationship. I’m a growing boy staying alone in Mumbai (smiles). So we all have our share of friendship.” and equations.”
Sidharth is next seen in Shantanu Bagchi-directed spy thriller Mission Majnu. Inspired by real events, Sidharth plays the role of Amandeep Ajitpal his Singh, an Indian intelligence agent who goes undercover as Tariq to pass state secrets on Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities to India.
Mission Majnu will be released on Netflix on January 20th. Besides Sidharth, the film also stars Rashmika Mandanna, Sharib Hashmi, Parmeet Sethi and Kumud her Mishra.
Apart from this, Sidharth will also be seen in Disha Patani opposite the action thriller Yodha, which is set to hit theaters on July 7, 2023.