Filmmaker and actor Farhan Akhtar was once compared to the late actor Raj Kapoor when a team from an Italian media group came to interview him. The incident occurred in his 2011, and Farhan called it “too embarrassing to talk about,” as reported by the Hindustan Times. We take a trip down memory lane as Farhan Akhtar celebrates his 49th birthday. (Also read | Farhan Akhtar poses for adorable family photo with Shivani Dhandekar, his daughters Akira and Shakya Akhtar)
While interviewing Farhan for a documentary on Bollywood, Italian media insiders kept talking about Raj Kapoor. They had a list with Farhan’s name on it, but they were not very familiar with the English language, so Farhan chose an interpreter to help him with the interview. During the conversation, the team mentioned Raj Kapoor, but the interpreter asked him questions and made no mention of the late filmmaker and actor.
Farhan was puzzled at first, but asked an interpreter for clarification and was told that the group was citing Raj Kapoor as an example. It was later revealed that the group had no idea whether Raj Kapoor was more famous as an actor or as a director. I’m ashamed,” he said.
His spokesperson, who was present in the interview, said: Finally we understood the reference just because they explained it. “
Farhan made his directorial debut with Dil Chahta Hai (2001), followed by Lakshya, Don, Positive and Don 2. He appeared in many films such as his Rock On (2008) and made his debut in Bollywood as an actor. After that, he appeared in Lucky By Chance, Karthik Calling Karthik, Zindagi Na Miregi Dovara, Bhag Mirka Bhag, Dil Dadakne Do, Wazir and Sky Is Pink. He also lent his voice to many tracks in several films.
Farhan was last seen in the sports drama film Tufan alongside Murnal Thakur and Paresh Rawal. The film was streamed exclusively on Prime Video and received mixed reviews from viewers. He will next direct a road trip movie ‘Jee Lu Zara’ starring Priyanka Chopra, Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
Farhan was previously married to Aduna. They parted several years ago. The duo are parents to his two daughters, Shakya and Akira. In 2022, Farhan tied the knot with television personality Shivani Dandeka after dating for several years.