Father Suniel Shetty was spotted arriving at the location on January 22, ahead of Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul’s pre-wedding festivities. The couple will tie the knot in an intimate ceremony at Suniel’s Khandala Bungalow on Jan. 23.
saniel said, “Main Carvajon Colleque Taphoon.” (I’m going with the kids tomorrow). He then said in Marathi that tomorrow he would bring his whole family with him so that the Pope could take pictures. Saniel thanked them for their love and made sure that proper arrangements were made for them.
On Jan. 21, a video surfaced online showing the decoration of the actor’s Khandala mansion. The bungalows were all decorated with fairy lights, roses and golden shamianas. or videos online.
The two met through mutual friends and started dating in 2019. Athiya and her girlfriend, KL Rahul, often post adorable photos of each other on her social media, with fans tagging those photos as “Couple Goal.” The duo also celebrated New Years together in Dubai, with KL Rahul posting the same photo on her Instagram.