Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja are currently in Dehradun with their son Vayu. On Monday night, Sonam shared an adorable photo of her Anand on her Instagram while taking Vayu for a walk in the sun. The couple had welcomed him back in August last year. Also read: Sonam Kapoor glows in old photo shared by Anand Ahuja: ‘A few weeks after finding out she was pregnant with Vayu’
Sharing the photo, Sonam wrote: my whole world. Last year was a special year for us. Happy new year to all of you. Life is getting better every day. Thank you God, Universe.. I am forever grateful for my life and everything that has been given to me.. Every day is truly amazing. #everydayphenomenal #vayusparents #godsblessings #parentsblessings #2023.
Anand commented on her post, saying: A great role model and inspiration for our little Vayu. You amaze me everyday @sonamkapoor. Many of her fans also wished them well in the comments section. His aunt, Maheep Kapoor, also showered postcards with heart emojis.
Sonam was recently spotted at Mumbai airport when he left for Dehradun. She asked the paparazzi not to take pictures of her son and they complied with her request. Sonam sometimes shares pictures of Vayu, but doesn’t reveal his face.
On Anil Kapoor’s recent birthday, Sonam shared a cute photo of him holding Vayu in his arms. congratulations i love you you are the best and the best everything you do for us everyone should be blessed in this way i love you papa i am so proud to be your daughter @anilskapoor #blessedwiththebest #girldad #24122022 #christmaseve.
Sonam will appear in Blind (directed by Ahn Sang-hoon), an official Hindi remake of the 2011 South Korean crime thriller of the same name. She completed filming the film over a year ago.The film’s official release date is still awaited. The actor was last seen in the movie The Zoya Factor in 2019. She also made a cameo appearance in her Netflix movie AK vs AK with Anil Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap in 2020.
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