Actor Rav Sinha, who has starred in the Bollywood films Saadyan and Paltan, tweeted Thursday against the opportunities offered by the Hindi film industry to actors who cannot act. Luv made his acting debut in his 2010 film Sadiyaan and also appeared in JP Dutta’s his 2018 film Paltan. However, after that, the actor did not appear in any films. Veteran actor Shuttlegan His Sinha son Rav’s sister Sonakshi His Sinha is also a well-known name in the film industry.
Luv wrote on Twitter: They don’t speak Hindi and they can’t act, but they will continue to get jobs in big projects directed by talented filmmakers. “
Check out his tweet –
I don’t know much about other film industries, but the Hindi film industry has given opportunities to some actors who have had plastic surgery as much as they have had surgery. I can’t act either, but I will continue to get work in big projects directed by talented filmmakers.
— Luv S Sinha (@LuvSinha) December 29, 2022
Luv’s tweet got mixed responses from those who commented. One of the followers wished 2023 well for the newcomers, saying, “I really hope that in 2023 newcomers like us who are versed in language and talent will have a chance to appear in Hindi films. I’m here.”
Another follower asked Luv to learn from his father, writing: He was so fearless. “
Known for tweeting about socio-political issues, Love last played the role of Ata Singh in the 2018 film Partan. In an interview with IANS, the actor revealed what kind of work he would like to do.
he said: Acting is what I love to do most and every role is an opportunity to prove myself.I want to work with a good director, be a part of a good movie and play a challenging character.A talented artist I would like to work with other young actors because I feel that working with them will help improve the performance of both actors. “