Samsonite has partnered with Bollywood celebrities Amitabh Bachchan, Yuvraj Singh and Mitali Raj to launch a new Indian campaign ‘Tested Like Samsonite’. A luggage and accessories brand, the brand aims to compare the rigorous tests that luggage undergoes to the experience of her star in the campaign.
“We need to capture the truth about brands and people, and hope someone better than Amitabh Bachchan, Yuvraj Singh and Mitali Raj will successfully bring this idea to life through tests we all know so well. It helped.” Anushree Tainwala, executive director of marketing at Samsonite India, reported the Indian Retailer Bureau.
The Samsonite brand has a history of 112 years and is one of the largest luggage brands in the world. Through a new advertising campaign, the brand aims to capitalize on the popularity of celebrity stars and highlight its rigorous production and product testing processes.
Prateek Bhardwaj, CCO of Lowe Lintas, said:
“Samsonite bags are meticulously crafted to make them look the part,” said Jai Krishnan, CEO of Samsonite India, India’s Retail Authority reported. “Because they are aesthetically designed, they are extremely durable and offer differentiated functionality. This campaign beautifully brings this aspect of the brand to life.”
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