Salman Khan’s ex-girlfriend Sommy Ali has shared multiple posts on social media in which she accuses him of physical, sexual and verbal abuse. never praised the actor, and it took him 20 years to reveal the truth because of his trauma.
On Saturday, Sommy shared a video on Instagram accusing Salman of conspiring to ban her show, Flight or Fight, from being shown on India’s Discovery+. She has spoken about all the times she has been sexually abused and has previously spoken about it in the media. She added that it often takes time for survivors of abuse to speak publicly about what happened. She says that just because Salman is nice to them doesn’t mean he is nice to everyone.
She wrote, “I want Salman Khan to confess to me from the verbal, sexual and physical abuse he has caused me to suffer, and to make public apologies that egomaniacs and narcissistic individuals would probably never do.” And I want him to lift the ban on my show and what No More Tears is doing I’ve spent 15 years of blood and sweat helping over 40,000 men and women We want India to see what we have been doing to save the world.”
“I want Mr. Khan to look at himself in the mirror and ask himself this question. Shame on you. Find yourself the grace to publicly apologize and confess what you have done.”
In another post, Sommy said everyone in the ’90s knew Salman was “abusing” her. but now I’m lashing out at him.Years ago he didn’t ban my show.I have to say this again and again.No one in the 90’s knew that he was abusing me.
Somy Ali and Salman were reportedly dating from 1991 to 1999. During his brief stint in Bollywood, Sommy starred in films such as Krishan Avtar with Mithun Chakraborty, Yar Gadar with Saif Ali Khan and Ansu with Saniel Shetty.
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