An old video of Jackie Shroff, Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan after slapping supporting actor Anupam Khan at a journalist surfaced online Monday. The video was shared by Rarephotoclub on Instagram. In the clip, Sanjay Dutt said in Hindi, “If I was in his shoes, he would have wrecked everything.” (Also read | Anupam Kher on Oscar qualification for Kashmir files: slap in the face of those who called it propaganda)
Salman said, “Unhone (Anupam) jo thappad mara hai na, accha kiya hai jo maara hai. hai (He did a good thing with a slap. Because they paint the wrong image of us and slap us openly.
Anupam Khar then spoke about how his parents had a hard time giving him an education. Because a man gave me a slap because he pushed me to a ball.Three years in the National School of Drama, one year in the Indian Theater, and three years when I was teaching, and three years when I was I was sleeping on a road trip.And they want those 20 years to end.He has the power to write in magazines.Sell in someone’s bedroom story.”
Jackie Shroff said, “Leading women or flirting with other girls, whether we’re bisexual or gay or whatever, it’s a bull***. , we should talk about our efforts. The whole country enjoys. Our movies, they love them. It’s the only mode of entertainment. do you have?”
Part of the caption read, “1992 was an interesting year when Stardust magazine went too far and angered many Hindi film industry actors. Anupam Kher slapped journalists and media turned against him. Everyone loved it.” This video was originally shared by Instagram user @bobbytalkscinema.
Anupam is seen in Vivek Agnihotri’s film The Vaccine War. It will be screened in 11 languages to coincide with Independence Day 2023. Besides Anupam, the film also stars Nana Pathekhar and Sapthami Gowda. Anupam recently starred in the family drama ‘Unchai’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Boman Irani, Parineeti Chopra and the Netflix series Trial He By He Fire.