Rajshri Deshpande has received praise from colleagues and fans for her heartbreaking turn as a grieving parent in the Netflix series Trial By Fire. She plays Neelam Krishnamooti who, along with her husband Shekhar (Abhay Deol), lost her children in a movie theater fire accident in Upfar. On Thursday, the actor recently revealed how Shah Rukh Khan helped her during the Covid-19 pandemic, and she also expressed her desire to work with him. Did. (Please also read: Trial by Fire review: Netflix series based on 1997 Uphaar tragedy reminds us of the price of resilience)
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The actor wrote on Twitter: King Khan, but I always dream of working with him!” Rajshri, from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, has been helping people in need of doctors and medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was. Shah Rukh’s charity, her Meer Foundation, was supporting her with essentials such as her PPE her kit.
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In response to her dream of working with Shah Rukh, a fan tweeted, “I hope he listens to you. He chooses who he wants to work with. ’ replied another. Good luck”. Yet another fan said, “That day is not far off because of the sheer talent you have.”
Besides Trial By Fire, Rajshri is also known for her roles in The Fame Game and Sacred Games starring Madhuri Dixit, where she played the character of Subhadra, wife of Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s Gaitonde. She made her film debut with her small role in Taraash (2012) directed by Reema Kaguti starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Her breakthrough role was Pan She was Born in Nalin’s Angry Indian Goddesses, which made her the first runner-up of her People’s Choice Award at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival.
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She also appeared in the award-winning Malayalam film S Durga directed by Sanal Kumar Shasidharan and The Mantle of Nandita Das, playing writer Ismat Chugthai.
Shah Rukh Khan is back on the big screen after spending four years in Pathaan. He also has the films Jawan and Dunki due out this year and will have a cameo in Salman Khan’s Tiger 3.