The Pakistani film Joyland continues to impress celebrities to this day. On Tuesday, Priyanka Chopra took to Twitter and Instagram to praise the film, the first Pakistani film to be shortlisted for the 2023 Oscars. It’s fun, and bravo to the whole team for bringing this story to life.It’s a must see.” Also read: Priyanka Chopra asked the Last Film Show actors the name of the movie they saw in the theater. He surprised me in a screening in Los Angeles when he wore a black dress.
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Joyland tells the story of the youngest son of a traditional Pakistani family who finds a job as a backup dancer in a Bollywood-style burlesque show. He falls in love with Viva (Alina Khan), a transgender woman who runs the show. The film is written and directed by Saim Sadiq and stars Ali Junejo, Rusty Farouk and Alina Khan. Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai serves as Executive Producer.
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In response to Priyanka’s message on Instagram Stories, the film’s official handle on Instagram Stories said, “Thank you, Priyanka Chopra.” Director Saim Sadiq also posted on Instagram Stories, thanking Priyanka, saying, “Thank you very much.” Actor Sania Said wrote, “OMG (oh my God) everyone!” Actor Rusty Farouk also wrote on his Instagram story, “Thanks to Priyanka Chopra for helping us reach large audiences around the world with our films and humanizing Pakistanis in a unique and wonderful way.” I am really proud of that.”
Last year, Joyland debuted as the first Pakistani film at Cannes Film Festival 2022, winning both the Jury Prize and Queer Palm. After its Cannes debut, Joyland screened at numerous film festivals, including the Toronto International Film Festival. However, despite the film’s acclaim, the Pakistani government initially attempted to ban the film from being aired in the country, citing “highly objectionable” material. It was nominated for best international film at the Dent Spirit Awards and was recently shortlisted for best international feature film at the 95th Academy Awards as an official Pakistani entry.
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