Pattern, starring Shah Rukh Khan, has the biggest opening in Hindi film history in India and around the world, and the second day collection of films seems to have set a new record. According to box office experts, his second day estimate for the film was that he netted Rs 700 crore on Thursday which was a holiday due to Republic Day.
So if the deal report is to be believed, the pattern would actually make history as no Bollywood movie has ever netted Rs 60 crore in a single day.If Pathaan wins Rs 7 crore , becoming the first film to cross the Rs 60-65-7 billion mark in a single day.
Shahrukh Khan’s last three films failed to raise Rs 100 crore in India on full run, but Pathaan is set to make history by raising over Rs 120 crore in just two days. And if the same dominance at the box office continues, Pathaan could be in his Rs200 crore club on the opening weekend itself.
Pattern has seen Shah Rukh Khan return to the silver screen for the first time in over four years. So far, fans and audiences seem to love the film for its explosive entertainment. Industry insiders and audiences expected the film to do well at the box office, but no one could have dreamed it would make such a massive record.
Pathaan wowed everyone with its collection and took Bollywood’s box office to the next level. Directed by Siddharth Anand, Pattern also features Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana in key roles.