Nysa Devgn celebrated New Years with friends Orhan Awatramani, Tania Shroff and actor Ahan Shetty at a nightclub in Dubai. Actor Ajay Devgan and her 19-year-old daughter of Kajol went on vacation to Dubai to ring in the New Year on Friday. She’s having fun taking pictures and dancing away from her house before 2022 is over. (Please also read: Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s daughter Nysa Devgan dances in Dubai before New Year’s Eve.clock)
Sharing a recap of the previous night, Ohan posted an Instagram reel with captions. The video shows Nysa, Orhan, and the rest of the gang getting into a large black SUV as they head to a nightclub in Dubai. Most of the group are dressed in black. Nisa wore a short black dress with shiny silver embellishments on the straps.In her car, she wore a leather jacket that she later took off at the club.
Nysa and her friends were seen posing together in videos and photos, drinking, dancing and having fun. Their friend Vedant Mahajan commented on the reel as “reel ka raja Orhan” (emoji with folded hands). Meanwhile, Mahika Rampal, daughter of actor Arjun Rampal, added, “She’s obsessed with everyone[heart and fire emojis].” “New Year’s resolution, make more reels,” said one Instagram user.
Earlier this year, father Ajay told ETimes in an interview: So everything else is hypothetical. ’” he added. She hasn’t told Kajol or me about her final career choice. Currently, she is studying abroad. If she decides to pursue her career in the film industry, it will be her choice.As her parent, we will always support her. ”
Ajay’s next actor/director is Boller, which will be released in March 2023. This Hindi film is an official remake of the 2019 Tamil film Kaiti and also stars Taboo.
Nysa recently graduated from the Glion Institute of High Education in Singapore and plans to continue her higher education in Switzerland. She also has a younger brother, Yug, who is 12 years old.
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