Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji has dominated the hearts of audiences with her stunning performances. In her 20+ year career, Rani has worked her way up the ladder of success. On the occasion of her 44th birthday, the actress announced her upcoming release, Mrs. Chatterjee Vs NorwayThe movie wrapped months ago and some of its fans have been eagerly awaiting its release in theaters. The release date of the movie has changed again!
Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway starring Rani Mukerji gets a new release date, AGAIN.Manufacturer drops fresh stills to announce
To officially announce the same, the makers of the upcoming film used verified social media handles and treated fans to fresh still images. looks like a mother.
Meanwhile, the post’s caption reads, “On Saraswati Puja’s auspicious occasion, we have an exclusive still of #MrsChatterjeeVsNorway released on March 17, 2023. Fighting against all odds, the determination of women to stand up to their country.” Get ready to witness, protect your children at all costs #RaniMukerji.
For immature Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway is inspired by true stories that rocked children and human rights on an international level. An official statement from the producers further shed light on the theme, stating, “The film tells the story of an immigrant Indian mother who battles the Norwegian foster care system and local legal authorities to regain custody of her children. It is.”
During the film’s announcement, Lani said in a statement:Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway is a story of true human resilience and a movie dedicated to all mothers out there. I decided to do a movie. “
Produced by Zee Studios and Monisha Advani, Emmay Entertainment with Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani, and directed by Ashima Chibber. Mia Dad Ki Marti fame.
Also read: Rani Mukerji-starrr Mrs. Chatterjee vs.Norway will release her March 3, 2023 in cinemas
Other pages: Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway Box Office Collection
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