Louisville, Kentucky., January 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — At the studio in the Okorona area LouisvilleAcoustic Goth Rock Duo Dead Speak (With member Jaime Muerte Wayne Robinson) recently made a song for them.”trigger warning“In the hands of a talented music producer and founder of BlackRainbow Records, David Johnson“Their music,” explains Johnson. It’s also a proud step in giving queer folks visibility and an opportunity to discuss mental health issues. ”
See “trigger warning”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SyQni0qNUE
The music video for Trigger Warning was filmed at the Bethlehem Academy. Elizabethtown, Kentucky With the ensemble cast of the Hardin County Playhouse. Johnson directed and edited the video with a full creative staff including producer, cinematographer, make-up he artist, costume he director and grip.
“In The Dead Speak ‘universe’,” explains Muerte. I choose horror tropes, sometimes more serious and personal. But I think the common theme is that we believe that as human beings we need to successfully confront our fears. So we find our way to growth and light. ”
For Muerte, who identifies as a Latina of Colombian descent, BlackRainbow Records’ queer-forward, BIPOC-affirming platform was a major determinant in signing to the record label. “I think we recognized that we were missing the same Louisville, and it’s presence in the local music scene celebrated diversity in ways that weren’t just tolerated or allowed, but went further,” adds Muerte. Weirdos, freaks, queers, and people of color,” showing that they can take up space and dominate, if not better than any other player in the mainstream. ”
The Trigger Warning video can be found using the link above, and the single is out on all major streaming platforms. If you’d like to support the band further, please visit our bandcamp page: https://thedeadspeak.bandcamp.com/track/trigger-warning-2
Media contact:
David Johnson
[email protected]
Source BlackRainbow Records