A day after filmmaker Karan Johar reacted to Pattern’s record-breaking box office success by saying, “Forever love beats hate,” actor Kangana Ranaut spoke out about his Shah Rukh Khan star. “Pattern,” which also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, has been criticized in recent weeks due to the song “Besharam Lang,” which shows Deepika wearing an orange swimsuit. It was released on January 25 after facing boycott calls and protests. criticized the film for showing it in a “good light” and made a U-turn. Also Read: Kangana Ranaut praises Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, stating “A movie like this should definitely work”
In a series of tweets, Kangana, who recently returned to the social media platform after the 2020 ban was lifted, addressed those who “argued that pattern is the triumph of love over hate.” He said the film’s “successful showing” in theaters was due to “India’s love and inclusivity” for “the movie Pattern”.
Kangana Ranaut tweeted, “I agree with everyone who argues that the pattern is the triumph of love over hate, but whose love is more than whose hate? Exactly, who got the ticket?” Yes, it’s love and inclusivity in India, where 80% of Hindus live, but a movie called Patan casts enemy nations Pakistan and ISIS in the bright light. It is this Indian spirit that transcends hatred and judgment that makes India Mahan (great)…”
The actor continued, “It’s the love of India that has triumphed over the hatred and petty politics of its enemies. Rekin (but) all those with high hopes beware… PATTERN SURF EK FILM Ho Sakti Hai… Goon Jega To Yahan Surf Jai Shri Ram… Jai Shri Ram (Pathaan is just a movie, this country can only hear Jai Shri Ram screaming)”
Karan Johar, who shared a poster of Pattern’s Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday, wrote on Instagram Stories, “Hit for over a century!!! ¥Over 100 million in one day! GOAT (Greatest of All Time) mega star SRK, the visionary and legendary YRF, and Adity (Aditya Chopra) … Sid (Sidharth Anand), Deepika, John!!! added a firecracker emoji to his notes. The filmmaker further wrote, “Forever love beats hate! Mark this date…”
Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan is breaking box office records.Action movie revenue ¥It hit 160 million worldwide after it was released on January 25, the day before Republic Day 2023. The film also stars Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana in addition to Shah Rukh, Deepika and John.