We’ve heard a lot about the rivalry between Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga.
Stepsisters clashed on and off camera. It happened many years ago. And it happened just before Teresa’s wedding.
Teresa recently cast a brutal shadow in Melissa’s direction while ostensibly admiring her other sister in law.
Even Tre’s ex-husband, Joe Giudice, is shocked at how Tre treats some of his family members.
It all started when Teresa Giudice posted a birthday message to her sister-in-law, Veronica.
Dr. Veronica Ruelas is the sister of Luis Ruelas. Since Teresa married Luis last year (against everyone’s advice), the women are her stepfamily.
Teresa called her “the little sister I always dreamed of.” Her line in particular made many people feel suspicious.
Even Teresa’s ex-husband noticed it.
“I thought you loved Melissa,” he wrote on Instagram.
He has since replaced this with a simple comment of “beautiful”. Bland and pointless.
We can’t prove it, but we have to suspect that Milania played some role in changing Joe’s comment.
Because she left multiple loving comments below the post.
Do you know a great way to reduce the chances of your dad’s comment being seen by a large group of people before it gets deleted? Please leave multiple comments of your own.
Remember, Teresa’s conflict with Melissa is more than just a family quarrel.
Indeed, many housewives clashed violently on the screen. But regular reality TV feuds have their limits.
On the other hand, Melissa’s clashes with Joe Gorga’s Teresa were so intense that he ended up not attending her wedding.
That’s a big deal. You can miss someone’s birthday party. They won’t be throwing that birthday party again, but will almost certainly do more in the future.
No wedding is the same. Even if the marriage did not last, future marriages are not guaranteed.
And even if someone ends up regretting the day they met their now ex-spouse, refusing to attend the wedding is personal.
In time, Joe and Melissa may be able to mend their relationship with Teresa. She may be saved when Teresa comes to regret marrying Luis. Or maybe not. You never know Teresa.
It’s a pity that conflicts in this family are so intense. But when you’re talking about multiple reality cast members, it seems to come naturally.
Either way… perhaps Joe Giudice doesn’t need to comment so publicly.