Actor Varun Dhawan and wife Natasha Dalal hosted an anniversary bash for their Bollywood friends at their Mumbai home on Tuesday night.Janvi Kapoor and Sara Ali attended the festivities Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora, Anil Kapoor, Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra and other celebrities. Many of the stars such as Janhvi, Malaika, Karan, and Anil were seen in black party outfits. Meanwhile, Sara wore an Indian ethnic outfit to Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal’s anniversary party. Also read: Natasha Dalal says she ‘wants to be as busy as Varun Dhawan’
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Malaika arrived at the bash with her actor and boyfriend Arjun Kapoor. She posed for the paparazzi outside her Mumbai home in Dhawan. She was also joined by fashion designer Manish Malhotra. I put on my pants. Sara Ali Khan stood out wearing a pink and blue kurta set and shalala.
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Fashion designer Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal got married on January 24, 2021. The intimate wedding was a dream affair attended only by family and close friends. Since their wedding in Alibagh, the couple has been spotted socializing with celebrity friends at weddings, holidays and parties. I made a New Year’s call with them.
Last January, Natasha opened up about her bond with her husband, actor Varun Dhawan, in an interview with HT Cafe. “I never get used to being in the public eye. But it doesn’t bother me. Actually, I’ve found that you can use it in a good way,” she said. About her close relationship with Varun, she said: She also added, “Every time I see a bride in my studio, I am reminded of my own experience. Being married and having to wear my own clothes… I never knew before. I feel a connection with the bride.”
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