Isabel Kaif celebrated her birthday on Friday at a party attended by actor and sister Katrina Kaif. Her brother-in-law, actor Vicky Kaushal, was also pictured at the birthday bash. On Saturday, Isabel took to Instagram to share pictures of her birthday celebrations with Vicky, Sunny Kaushal, Shalvari Wag, and more. His younger brother Sebastien Laurent Michel was also in the picture. Earlier, Katrina also shared a photo of her with Isabel from her birthday bash. Also read: Katrina Kaif sends sweet birthday message to sister Isabel Kaif, shares photo of them posing together at party
Isabel, who shared a group photo with Vicki Kaushal and others and photos from the party, wrote in the caption, “Thank you to all the love ones for how it all started and how it’s going.” In another photo, Isabel raised her hand and smiled at the camera while Shalvari raised one of her legs and the two posed goofy.She also posed against the backdrop of a party of gold and black balloons. The last photo she posted was of Isabelle in bed after a party with a huge bouquet of colorful flowers on her bedside table. is shown.
Actor Mini Mathur commented on the birthday post, writing, “Fomo (Fear of Missing) Max.” A fan wanted to know why Katrina, who was also at the party, wasn’t in her picture, and his comment read, “Where’s Katrina!!” Another fan wrote, “Please also share a photo with Katrina.”
On Friday, Katrina Kaif gave her sister Isabel Kaif a sweet birthday note as she shared the photo on Instagram. holding hands and smiling at the camera. Katrina wore a printed dress and Isabel wore a sleeveless black dress. Katrina also added a red balloon emoji to her caption.
Isabel, who made her Bollywood debut in ‘Time to Dance’ last year, opened up about Katrina’s advice on how to treat herself in Bollywood. In a recent chat with the Hindustan Times, she said, “Focus on my work and keep your head down. I’ve received similar advice from others who have been in the film industry.” My sister was definitely one of them…the one who gave it to me.”