IAS topper Tina Davi is back on Instagram to thank Kriti Sanon after spending more than 25 weeks on Bollywood’s Avatar. Tina has posted video messages on her Instagram story from Bollywood bigwigs like Salim Sulaiman Duo music director Salim Merchant and Kriti Sanon.
Tina is currently a district collector and magistrate of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. In the city, starting February 3, he plans to hold a “Desert Festival” for three days. Writing about the festival, Tina shared a post on Saturday, writing: 🏜️🐪. Visit Jaisalmer to witness its vibrant cultural and natural heritage! See you all again! 🙏🏻
Apart from the above three dates, there will be a pre-festival event on February 2, 2023 at Pokran, Jaisalmer. #desertfestival2023 #rajasthantourism #jaisalmer.
ALSO READ: IAS topper Tina Dhabi begins a new chapter in her life months after her divorce from Atar Aamir Khan and gets engaged to fellow IAS officer Dr. Pradeep Gawande.
In another post, a popular civil servant wrote: 10 Famous Artists | 5 Famous Folk Artists | 300+ Folk Artists | 25+ Experiences & Activities | 15+ Competitions | 45+ Hours of Festival Vibe. Welcome to Jaisalmer Desert Festival 🙏🏻
She recently shared a video message from Salim and followed up with a similar video from Kriti. Kriti says: This is her 3rd movie I am shooting here and it was a great experience. And Mar Mahotsav has heard that from February 3rd she will be held until February 5th. If you plan to go to Jaisalmer at that time, stay there. ”
Tina was an IAS topper in 2016. Her romantic relationship with Athar Aamir Khan, in which she placed 2nd in all India in her UPSC exam in the same year, has given her incredible popularity on social media, especially on her Instagram. I made a profit. Both got married in 2018 and were attended by celebrities from the country.
She had added Khan to her surname after marrying Atar.Her Instagram bio later proudly called her Kashmir buff.
However, both filed for divorce in 2020 before Jaipur’s civil court approved their divorce applications a year later.