A minor Bollywood actor and his wife were detained by Cyberbad police on Monday on suspicion of defrauding people of large sums of money by pretending to offer to participate in an advertising campaign.Apurva Ashwin, also known as Armaan arjun Kapoor and , his Maharashtrian wife Natasha Kapoor, also known as Nazish Memon, was identified as the arrested individual. They defrauded a couple out of Rs 14.12 lakh by falsely offering her daughter to participate in a biscuit company promotion, according to a police investigation.
Memon introduced himself as a representative of a modeling agency when he first visited the victim’s relatives at a shopping mall in Kondapur in December. She asked the couple if they would be interested in having their daughter appear in television commercials as a model. She convinced them that young people would have the opportunity to work with famous actors and actresses. and announced that my daughter had been selected to shoot an advertisement for an important biscuit brand.
The couple were initially asked to return a warning fee of Rs 3.25 lakh, police said. Later, under the guise of a photo shoot, he got another Rs 10.87 from them. Using whatsapp and his well-maintained website, the scammer asked the victim to transfer money to a dealer’s account in Rajasthan. Police took his Rs from him, along with a laptop and his four cell phones. 15.6 million rupees. Mumbai police detained his Apurva in connection with a related incident. Cyberbad police have filed four complaints against him.
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