If you ask your mother if she remembers her time in high school, she may remember certain things, but most of them are blurry. Chances are you remember the “mean” moment when it came to the topic of .
High school is not a fun experience for everyone. That’s because social standing is tested, which can be difficult for her developing teens. You may have trouble making friends, and your schoolwork and grades may be adversely affected. This is why some people are so happy when they finish high school and enter the “real world.”
They believe they no longer have to struggle to navigate through these difficult moments, but they can quickly learn that this is not the case, especially for mothers.
When moms start attending play groups, playgrounds, and PTA meetings, it can feel like high school again. If you find your mother dealing with gossip again, here are 10 ways you can deal with it.
Ten act quickly
According to Psychology Today, the best course of action is to act quickly, and this will help minimize conflict. What you want to do is “deflection”. This means that you want to change the topic. You want to turn the conversation in a different direction and have everyone talking about different things.
9 Say no”
If you’re a mom who doesn’t mind a little confrontation, you can call gossipers if you know you’re doing the right thing. Tell them that what they are talking about is not really anyone’s business and that you are not comfortable participating in this conversation. This isn’t the end of the gossip, but it removes your role in the gossip and you know you’re doing the right thing.
8 act bored
Another way to deflect gossip while avoiding confrontation is to act indifferent. When gossip comes up, pretend you’re not interested in the conversation. Look away, pretend to be bored, or pick up your phone and look at it. A gossiper might consider this “disrespectful,” but it’s also not polite when spreading gossip.
7 Question
It’s normal and somewhat natural to be interested in gossip, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. Those who gossip may not have the correct information or the entire store, so don’t be afraid to ask. Ask the person where they heard it or if they could be wrong. This can lead people to guess what they are listening to and disseminating.
6 What if the gossip is about you?
Most of the time, when we hear gossip, it’s about other people. But what should a mom do when she hears someone is spreading rumors about her?
According to WikiHow, What moms should do is approach the person gossiping directly and ask what is going on. Some people aren’t going to gossip, so tell them how you feel and be sure to listen.
Five ignore it
If your mom is hearing gossip about herself or a close friend, it may be best to ignore it. Ignoring it may be the best way to protect your mental health and well-being. Gossiping people are likely to be tricky, and ignoring them is the best way to keep yourself from getting caught up in them.
Four Find an outlet
Being part of a group feels good, and some mothers may not know what to do because they are intimidated by gossip and fear they will be kicked out of the group if they refuse to participate.
However, according to Baby Cubby, gossip is poisonous and should be treated as such. It’s best to find other outlets for your time and energy that might not be sitting with a new mom who just moved in or another mom who loves to talk about the new kid in class.
3 remind them of who they are
As I said earlier, it’s easy to listen and spread gossip. If you find yourself in a group with people gossiping, Remind them that they are mothers and need to set a good example. Children should not gossip and should be desirable role models for children.
2 make new friends
Sometimes making new friends is the best way to go. Find a new group to hang out with. This is especially important if you are expressing disdain for gossip. This may be your hint that this group of friends isn’t the one for you.To protect your mental health, it’s okay to just walk away.
1 show empathy
Empathy is a skill we all have, and some people are better at it than others, and some need to be reminded to use it. teeth, Ask how they would feel if they heard rumors about them, or if you find people talking about them behind your back. This may be enough to show that what the person is doing is wrong.
Sources: Psychology Today, WikiHow, Baby Cubby