Three musical groups from Hoover City School have been selected to perform at the Alabama Association of Music Educators’ Professional Development Conference in Birmingham this week.
The Hoover High School Symphonic Winds, an auditioned group of the school’s highest performing band members, are the first three to perform at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex Theater from 8:10pm to 9:00pm. Conducted by Ryan Fitchpatrick, Symphonic Winds has earned 25 consecutive years of excellence in musical performance ratings.
Two other groups from Hoover City Schools both play at 1:00 PM. The Trace Singers, a group of 30 fifth graders from Trace Crossings Elementary School, will perform at the BJCC Theater from 1:00 pm to 1:25 pm. The choir, which practices before school on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, is led by Lisa Latham.
Also, Spain Park High School’s six-man flute ensemble will perform in the BJCC East Ballroom lobby from 1-1:40 p.m. The flute ensemble members are Brianna Faison, Zoe Hewitt, Zachary Lynn, Emma Nikolic, Maddie Pope and Lilia Sokol. Their director is Barbara Harrington.
Theater performances require a conference ticket, but lobby performances do not require a ticket. All three groups were required to apply to be considered for performances.The conference, which runs Wednesday night through Saturday, invites about 40 choirs and instrumental groups from elementary school to college to perform. Chosen.