Last month, veteran filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi announced his next title. Gandhi Godse – Ek YudAs the title suggests, the film features the characters of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi aka Mahatma Gandhi (Deepak Anthani) and his hitman Nathuram Godse (Chinmei Mandolkar). The title and poster promised the movie would be a poignant affair.The teaser for the just-released movie has the same promise.
Gandhi Godse – Ek Yudh Teaser: Gandhi’s Murderer Accuses Him of Using Psychic Violence
The teaser shows that the film will feature a fictional encounter between Gandhi and Godse as they wage wars of thought while justifying their deeds during their lifetimes.
Among the many interesting moments in the trailer, the one between the two characters who finally confront each other is a highlight as Godse accuses Gandhi of using psychological violence in nature.
Interestingly, the teaser doesn’t indicate whether the film will take advantage of both characters. is shown.
This is not the first time Gandhi’s character has appeared in Rajkumar Santoshi’s film.his 2002 movie Legend of Bhagat Singh Not only did it feature Gandhi, it criticized him.
Gandhi Godse – Ek Yud It hits theaters on Republic Day, January 26th. The film will clash with Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pattern, as it’s all set to be released on January 25th.
Also read: Gandhi Godse Ek Yud marks the debut of Rajkumar Santoshi’s daughter Tanisha careful first
Other pages: Gandhi Godse – Ek Yudh Box Office Collection
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