Recently, actor Saniel Shetty appealed to UP Prime Minister Yogi Adityanath to work to reduce anti-Bollywood sentiment across the country, which is gaining momentum with the hashtag #BoycottBollywood.
And now, the Federation of West Indian Film Employees (FWICE) has also expressed concern over the growing Bollywood boycott sentiment. They called on the government to “stop” the #BoycottBollywood trend. They also condemn actions such as emptying theaters.
FWICE suggested that if anyone had a problem with the content of a film, they should write about it to the Central Committee for Film Certification rather than destroying the theaters. We strongly condemn the ongoing #BoycottBollywood trend and call for immediate protection against hooliganism in theaters and threats to producers…. It is creating a huge situation that threatens the survival of ordinary workers, technicians and artists. ”