Sonam Kapoor and Anil Kapoor have just returned from their vacation in Dehradun with other family members. The father-daughter duo was spotted at Mumbai airport on Sunday night as Anil accompanied Sonam, her husband Anand Ahuja and her son Vayu to Dehradun. Also read: Sonam Kapoor shares lovely photo of husband Anand Ahuja and son Vayu, says ‘life gets better every day’
Sonam Kapoor left the airport wearing a black embroidered shawl overcoat over black casual wear. She wore flats that looked great. She just had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing sunglasses. Anil also looked stylish in a black T-shirt and black denim, and was also wearing sunglasses.
Fans loved Sonam and Anil’s all-black look. A fan wrote “real fashion” in the comment section of a paparazzi video on Instagram. There is also a writing that “fashion sense is too good”. Another comment is: “nice dressing”.
Anand has previously shared many photos from his vacation in Dehradun. It showed him dining with Sonam, Anil, and a few other family members. He also shared some photos of the resort in Dehradun where he stayed briefly during his vacation. Anand shared the photo and wrote on Instagram, “The last 10 days…thank you and wishing you a happy and fulfilling new year #everydayphenomenal.”
Sonam also shared a photo of Anand taking a walk with Vayu in his arms. Summarizing her years gone by, she used to write: my whole world. Last year was a special year for us. Happy new year to all of you. Life is getting better every day. Thank you God and Universe.. I am eternally grateful for my life and everything you have given me.Every day is truly amazing. “
Anil had previously accompanied Anand, Sonam and Vayu on vacations in Austria as well. Vayu was born in August last year. Anil was the grandfather of a small child and at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit she said she was married to him earlier than her own children.
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