antonio Banderas is a class act, but the classes he can reasonably be expected to offer are limited. Possibly featuring a charming paychek, Banderas is in a movie whose essential personality would only be appreciated if a blockbuster video came to life for just one week, so this one is next in the straight-to-video bin. All the time you can.
Veteran screenwriter W Peter Ilf (co-writer of Point Break) digs it out of his desk drawer and it’s directed by Australian adman-turned-filmmaker Richard Hughes. Banderas plays Cuda (short for Barracuda), a cranky Miami debt collector and ex-con who works for fearsome club owner and mob boss Estelle (Kate Bosworth). He is estranged from his teenage daughter, who despises him, and tries to befriend and protect vulnerable fugitive Billy (Zorrie Griggs) from his fatherly grief and denied protective instincts. . The only way Cuda can save her is by using his other mentoring her project. A young man called Stray (Mojang Aria) earns money from fighting bare knuckles and helps Kuda collect his debts. Together they uncover a terrifying secret that binds them to this gruesome exploitation crime.
The film, despite its intrigue, is compelling enough, and probably would have had more of a punch if it had been “Kuda’s actual daughter” instead of “replaced daughter” being filmed. , The Enforcer is a great example of an old-school shootout, where the protagonist disarms and gives up being shot by the bad guys, recoils at the sound of gunfire, realizes he’s not dead, and pulls out a third bullet. to see. Who Shot the Invaders: This movie has a pretty outrageous twist on it. Otherwise, it’s really a movie that should be on a VHS cassette.
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