Deepika Padukone shared a video on Instagram of herself on a yacht. On her Friday, she shared a clip of her on vacation with her actor and her husband Ranveer Singh. She shared that her husband recorded a video of her while she was enjoying the best time of her life.Through her post, she sent fans wishing her a Happy New Year. greeted the She also expressed her gratitude to fans who sent her love and warm wishes on her 37th birthday on December 5. Along with her fans, actor Bipashavas and singer Skritikakar reacted to her video. (Please also read: Happy Birthday to Deepika Padukone: Remember these ads that made her famous before her Bollywood debut with Om Shanti Om?
In the clip, Deepika can be seen on a yacht. She wore an oversized white shirt and a yellow bathing suit. She kept her eyes closed and her hair held open with minimal makeup. You can see the sea enjoying the weather. In her vacation video, she had a big smile on her face. She used the What You Need song on the reel.
Deepika, who shared the video on Instagram, wrote: May we all prosper, be present, and live with gratitude this year…Happy New Year! (red heart emoji). PS: Thanks to each and every one of you for the birthday wishes. (camera emoji): Ranveer Singh. Bipasha commented, “Happy belated birthday love,” actor Pazan Duster wrote, “Sequel to Geraiyan,” and singer Skriti wrote, “Happy birthday his queen (red heart emoji).” rice field.
In response to the post, one of Deepika’s fans wrote: Stay healthy, happy and awesome (red heart emoji).” Another fan commented, “You look gorgeous (double pink heart emoji).” Yet another fan wrote, “Bahut hi khoobsurat (Very beautiful).” “When your husband talks too much and she learns to shut him up,” she wrote, with many fans posting heart emojis and calling her “queen.”
In terms of work, Deepika is next seen in the pattern with Shah Rukh and John Abraham. The film hits theaters on January 25th. She also has Project K in the pipeline alongside Prabhas and Fighter with actors Hrithik Roshan and Anil Kapoor.
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