Sania Mirza recently ended her decades-long Grand Slam journey. The star participated in the final Grand Slam of her career, placing her second behind Brazilian Luisa Stefani and Rafael Matos. Mirza’s final Grand Slam marked the end of an era in Indian tennis history. Several Bollywood stars, including Abhishek Bachchan, Priyanka Chopra and Kajol, have taken to social media to congratulate the tennis legend.
Actor Priyanka Chopra posted a video on Instagram of Sania Mirza and her son Izan Mirza Malik.
Bollywood actor Kajol has retweeted a video of Sania Mirza talking about the end of her Grand Slam career. She said Sania Mirza makes women everywhere and her entire country looks up to her, check out Kajol’s tweet below.
You always make India and women everywhere respect you..and you always will.♥️🇮🇳 @MirzaSania
— Kajol (@itsKajolD) January 29, 2023
Abhishek Bachchan shared a photo of Sania Mirza. Sania in her photo is smiling and holding her national flag. Abhishek Bachchan praised Mirza’s career, adding that she was “always proud of India”. Abhishek Bachchan said Sania Mirza wants an “enjoyable and relaxing retirement” and that she will be “missed but never forgotten”.
“@MirzaSania, to a brilliant career! You have always made India proud and have inspired many of us,” Abhishek Bachchan said. I am praying for you and I will miss you but will never forget you,” she added.
for a brilliant career @MirzaSaniaYou have always made India proud and have inspired many of us. We wish you a joyful and relaxing retirement. I will miss you, but I will never forget you.
— Abhishek 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 (@juniobachchan) January 29, 2023
Sania Mirza is one of the most highly regarded figures in Indian tennis. Among her many laurels, Mirza received the Arjuna Award in 2004, Padmashri in 2006 and the Dhyan Chand Kerlatna Grand Prize (formerly known as Rajiv Gandhi Kerlatna) in 2015. I was. Best private award.