In a new interview, actor Amit Sad recalled the darkest phase of his past when he struggled with suicidal thoughts. He also stressed that in Bollywood we need to be kind to each other. Also read: Amit Sadd says he wants to quit Bollywood after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death: ‘It’s society’s fault’
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Amit previously said he considered suicide when he was 16, but eventually stopped doing so. In another fairly recent interview, Amit revealed that he was completely shaken by the news that Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide and considered leaving the industry. did.
Speaking to ETimes about what can help someone in this situation, Amit said: We need to be kind and gentle. When I was going through a phase, a few genuine people called me, talked to me, and told me that I would be fine in a few days. I felt it. Everyone has parents, grandparents, and family. But people in the film industry spend as much time as possible with themselves and their colleagues. We tend to work long hours, sometimes he works 12 hours to he 18 hours on set. As a result, I spend more time with my colleagues than I do with my family. ”
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“Always spend a lot of time with friends and colleagues in the industry, so it is important to be kind to each other. We should be more polite. When we receive love, that is when we receive hope.When we criticize, disappoint, or insult another person, we bring sorrow into their life.Jab insaan ki zindagi mein dukh aata hai, uska dimag kharab ho jata hai (People lose their sanity when exposed to sorrow.) Tab woh insaan galat cheezon ke Bare mein sochne lagta hai (This is where people start to think wrong.) I’m talking about this from my own experience, I was lucky and lucky to get out of that stage, but it was the people around me who helped me, even if you’re a big star We just need to be nice to each other, even if we’re little techies,” he further pointed out.
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Amit Sad is set to star in an upcoming film based on his play ‘Pune Highway’. His last appearance was in Breathe: Into the shadows Season 2.
Suicide helpline information:
If you need help or know someone who needs help, contact your local mental health professional. Helplines: Aasra: 022 2754 6669; Sneha India Foundation: +914424640050 and Sanjivini: 011-24311918