Actor Kangana Ranaut has tweeted about the film after Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan broke several box office records since its release on Jan. 25. After saying the pattern paints ‘enemy’ Pakistan in a good light and blaming people for talking about ‘victory over hate’ after the film’s success, Khangana issued a warning to Bollywood, saying people in the film industry were criticizing ‘their success’. enjoy,” he tweeted, “stay away from.. out of politics.”Recently, actor Alia Bhatt and film director Karan Johar praised Pattern on Instagram.Aria said “Love always wins” while Karan responded to Pattern’s earnings with “Love will forever Conquer hatred,” he wrote ¥It sold 160 million worldwide on its first day. Also Read: Kangana Ranaut says “Pattern is just a movie, Goon Jega surfs Jai Sri Ram”
Kangana Ranaut, who recently returned to Twitter after his account was banned in 2020 for violating the social media platform’s rules, tweeted on Saturday, “Bollywood waron yeh narrative banana ki koshish mat karna ki is desh main tum hindu hate se suffer. kar rahe ho,” he tweeted. , agar maine phir se yeh word suna ‘triumph over heat’ toh tum logon ki wahi class lagegi jo kal lagi thi (Bollywood people, don’t try to project that you are suffering from Hindu hate in this country. I will take your class.Enjoy your success, do a good job and stay away from politics.
Reacting to her latest tweet, some Twitter users noted that Kangana was “desperately” tweeting about Pathaan for her personal gain. side mein karte hai (Let’s put Pathaan aside for a moment)… Another example of Victory Over Hate is your last nine movies failing one after another. rejected Kangana.We know.You now want to go where Smriti Irani (BJP party leader and union minister) is.” Another person tweeted, “Madame Ji, Ap Kaha Seho??Bollywood Se Nahi Ho??Alagh Khoi Industry Se Ai Ho Kya (not from Bollywood)??”
Kangana had previously responded to a user who pointed out that her last film Daakad was a box office failure. This is SRK ji’s first successful film in a decade. We are also inspired by him. I hope he gets the same opportunities that India has given him. After all, this India is great, it’s generous, Jai Sri Ram. “
In a series of tweets on Friday, Kangana also mentioned those who “argued that pattern is the triumph of love over hate”. Kangana tweeted, “I agree with everyone who argues that patterns are love triumphs over hate, but Whose love more than whose hate?Exactly who buys the ticket and makes it work?Yes it is love and inclusivity in India.80% of Hindus live However, a film called Patan succeeds by putting its enemies Pakistan and the ISI in a bright light, and it is this Indian spirit above hatred and judgment that makes India mahan. increase…”
The actor also said, “It is the love of India that has triumphed over the hatred and petty politics of its enemies. Rekin (but) all those with high hopes beware… Shri Ram… Jai Shri Ram (Pathaan is just a movie and this country hears nothing but the screams of Jai Shri Ram)”