Aria Bhatt treated fans with a fresh photo of herself when she took some time out for herself on Saturday morning. . She looks stunning without makeup and added a woman wearing a face mask sticker to her post, which Aria shared on her Instagram story, where she called it a “morning slurp.” I have written. Also Read: Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor take their daughter Raha Kapoor for a walk, Mursi’s Shaheen Bhatt joins them
On the wall behind her you can see a portrait with a heart and “Love” written on it. A wall finished in white and gray can be seen in the background.
On Friday, Alia, her husband Ranbir Kapoor and sister Shaheen Bhatt went for a walk with baby Raha. Raha was seen in a pram and everyone was walking beside her in black casual attire. He refrained from sharing any of her photos with the media after requesting that they not be shared if discovered.
This was the first Lori for Alia and Ranbir after their wedding in April, and also the first for daughter Raha. Neetu Kapoor shared his heartfelt wishes as Alia and Ranbir celebrated the festival with Raha. In the photo, Alia and Ranbir are holding their baby, and the wall is adorned with a small framed Barcelona jersey printed with “Raha.”
Raha was born on November 6th to Ranbir and Alia. Announcing their baby’s arrival, Alia and Ranbir released a statement saying, “And the best news of our lives. Our baby is here…and what a magical girl she was.” announced. We are officially in love – Blessed and Obsessed Parents!!!! Love you, love you, Aria and Ranbir.
Alia was last seen with Ranbir, Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy in Brahmastra: Part 1- Shiva. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, the film was declared a blockbuster. She is next seen opposite Ranveer Singh in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. It will be released in theaters on the 28th. She’s also slated to release the Hollywood movie Heart of Stone, and she’s also signed on to Farhan Akhtar’s upcoming Zee Lu Zalaah alongside Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra.