Alia Bhatt, who recently collaborated with Shah Rukh Khan for her first film, Darling, as a producer, had a sweet social media exchange with the latter on Wednesday. Busy with promotion, Shah Rukh hosted an “Ask SRK” session on Twitter. Arya took part in a Q&A session where she responded to a fan who asked Shah Rukh, “Why does Arya just call you SR?” Aria’s response to Shah Rukh’s answer to her fan’s question not only provided a glimpse of the bond the two actors share, but she also gave Aria her new name, Little Amma Bat, from SRK. I got Kapoor. Also read: Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan, Aryan Khan Loved Darling, Says Aria Bhatt
Regarding why Aria called Shah Rukh “SR” unlike other celebrities and fans, Aria said ” SR” tweeted what he meant. He wrote: “You could be senior and respected or you could just be Shah Rukh” in response to his response. , Alia Butt revealed what ‘SR’ stands for, tweeting, ‘Seems sweeter and more respectful 🙂 But from January 25th I will switch to calling you .Patterns.. Look, I’m very creative (no?).”
After Aria announced Shah Rukh’s new name as Pasan, Pattern, a character in the upcoming film due to be released on January 25, Shah Rukh also came up with Aria’s name. He tweeted, referring to Alia’s daughter Raha Kapoor. Alia and Ranbir Kapoor she got married in April 2022. Aria announced her pregnancy in June, and the couple welcomed Raha on Nov. 6.
Shah Rukh and Aria co-starred and played the lead roles in the 2016 film Dear Zindagi. , which featured Shahrukh in an extended cameo. Last year, Alia turned producer for Gauri Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment for Darlings. Directed by Jasmeet K Reen and also starring Vijay Varma and her Shefali Shah, this Dark Her comedy highlighted the issue of domestic violence against women.
In August, when asked about Shah Rukh’s Darling review, Alia told Bollywood Bubble: She added that even Gauri Khan, Suhana and Aryan have seen her film. She added: they all saw it. they were very kind. Suhana (Khan) saw it twice. The second time she saw me, she was like, ‘Guts you saw this for the second time. ”