Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film, Pattern, is breaking box office records and director Siddharth Anand feels underwhelmed. The film marked Shah Rukh’s return to the big screen after his four-year hiatus and had the biggest opening day ever for a Hindi film. Reflecting on the film’s reception, Siddharth said his film was scripted with history. Also Read: Pathaan Box Office Day 2 Collection: Shah Rukh Khan Film Collection ¥70 cr in Hindi, making yet another record
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In a new statement, director Siddharth Anand said: Everyone wants it, but we can’t plan it. it just happens. In fact, it’s a very humbling experience. I feel incredibly overwhelmed right now and want to get back on the movie set and create something really special for the audience again. “
“I want to create more spectacles and immersive experiences like Pathaan more than ever before. For me, yes, numbers are important. It’s also a game, so I share this incredible moment with the entire cast and crew of Pathaan, each of us with a vision to create unprecedented theatrical experiences that span the country’s criss-crossing. I believe in you and I am happy that I have fulfilled this promise,” he added.
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Siddharth argued how he believed cinema had no language. Calling the film emotional, he also said: Indian cinema triumphs today. It is a very exciting stage for our country as films across India are making records, breaking records and most importantly entertaining people all over the world. “
Pattern stars Shah Rukh along with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. There is also a special cameo by Salman Khan which has been a highlight of the action movie. Directed by Siddharth Anand, backed by Aditya Chopra’s Yash Raj Films, ¥It sold 160 million worldwide on its first day, January 25th. ¥70 Kroner on the second day of Republic Day.
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After Pathaan’s success, Shah Rukh shared a poetic line on Twitter. he wrote: Don’t come back… try to finish what you started. 57 year old advice. “