Takes the classic premise of “The Most Dangerous Game” and adds Jean-Claude Van Damme playing a butt-kicking castaway named Chance Boudreau and John Woo flair for the Dove and Bullet Ballet Boudreau is hired by Natasha (Yancey Butler) to track down her missing father, but also a sadistic group of wealthy men who hunt homeless people for sport. discovered. Boudreaux is thrown into this life or death game. “chance” To the wrong contestants in their ominous game. This movie is cheesy and great. Split kicks, flying bullets, Van Damme’s fantastic flowing mullet, and slow motion abound.
“Hard Target” is often overlooked in John Woo’s epic filmography. After directing such Hong Kong action masterpieces as ‘Hard-Boiled’, ‘The Killer’ and ‘Better Tomorrow’, Hollywood has come. His biggest hit in the US is his classic, “Face/Off,” a mad cult pitting Nicolas Cage against John Travolta, but “Hard Target” is a solid action flick. It’s also the best slice of ’90s cheese, full of one-liners, the same roundhouse kick showcased from multiple angles for maximum impact, and featuring Van Damme and genre favorite Lance Henriksen. There’s a fierce showdown with Wu’s trademark dove flying through the beautifully choreographed mayhem. There’s even a scene where Van Damme grabs a rattlesnake with his bare hands, punches him unconsciously, and even bites the rattlesnake.